About Jo

Trust, openness and respect

Just a word before I tell you about my qualifications.

I have 30 years of experience in development and leadership in the business, charity and education sectors. I view leadership as a work in progress and believe that there is always scope for development within us all. I am fine-tuned to find the opportunities that will exceed expectations.

I became a professional coach after experiencing the transformational benefits that coaching can bring. With the support of an executive coach, I am more:

  • focused
  • productive
  • ‘on point’.

I feel empowered to deal with the more challenges on my radar with courage and clarity.

I believe that everyone has the ability to solve 99% of problems themselves: they just need the right coach to ask the right question.

No two clients are alike and nor are the relationships I build. The common thread is the trust, understanding and the mutual respect we develop between us.

I'm a great believer that ‘less is more’. I work with a limited number of clients at any given time so that I can fully understand what matters most and how best to support you, your organisation and your people.

“Jo is someone whose advice I respect and in whom I have complete confidence to share ideas, knowing they will be explored with candour and respect."
Jim McDougall
Depute Rector, Alumni and Development, Hutchesons’ Grammar School

My qualifications

I am a qualified Executive Coach and Mentor, accredited at Masters Level 7 with the Institute of Leadership and Management. My professional coaching practice is based on the Global Code of Ethics (2018) and aligns with the European Mentoring and Coaching Council’s competency framework (2015).

I am a Psychologist certified to teach resilience skills. My approach is solutions-focused and based upon positive psychology.

My experience is in leadership, development and income generation and I have led growth strategies for organisations that have:

  • turned finances around from a deficit to surplus
  • ‘future-proofed’ and enhanced organisational resilience
  • increased engagement and partnerships.

My work has been with schools, business and charities, so I have experienced first-hand many of the challenges that you face, and I understand how best to help you move forward.

“Jo’s very professional, yet warm and genuine, approach engenders trust. Her ability to listen to and assimilate the opportunities is impressive.”
Elisabeth Anderson
Director of Development, Radley college
former idpe chairman